Your website is your online business card and truly should be show off what you do, why you are the best and how you are different It is that simple! A lot of people stress and freak out about their web presence. It is important. It is vital. Every single business should have a website. But, you can keep it simple and still be very efficient.
A simple website is actually best. Tell your story with as clean and clear of a message as possible. What exactly should you include to tell your story? 1 - Homepage - a few sections, showing off who you are, your services, a couple testimonials and that really is it. Keep it simple and clean. Add a visual aspect if you want, but don't make the pictures too large so it loads quickly. 2 - Services - list all of your services, what you do and why what you offer is the best. This is your chance to go into great detail about what you do 3 - Testimonials/Clients - show off who you work with. Maybe logos, or work examples, case studies, nice words from clients 4 - About us - who you are and how you can be reached. Have a form where people can send you an email directly from your site. That is a great starting point. If you want to add a pop-up, a newsletter sign up, or even more sections to get to specific events, then do that in phase 2. Focus on your, your brand and your message. Your website should be a great reflection of your brand and should simple, sleek, quick to load and easy to find what your information. Stuck and need social help? Always here to help...send me an email and let's chat! C Emsweller
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